Dual port FXO module
Υποστηριζόμενα μοντέλα ATCOM:
• AX800P/AXE800P (8 analog ports mother board)
• AX1600P/AXE1600P (16 analog ports PCI-E mother board)
• AX2G4A (2 GSM channels and 4 FXO/FXS ports PCI Card)
• IP02 (2 ports FXO/FXS IP PBX)
• IP08 (8 ports FXO/FXS IP PBX)
• IP2G4A (2 GSM channels and 4 FXO/FXS ports IP PBX)
* το προϊόν διαθέτει εγγύηση 3 μηνών